Fallout new vegas tunnel snakes
Fallout new vegas tunnel snakes

fallout new vegas tunnel snakes

( Fallout 4)Ģ082 - The Brotherhood of Steel begins focusing on getting supplies from the neighboring factions. OctoVault 95's experiment by Vault-Tec begins. ( Fallout 3)Ģ080 - Radiation effects become more prominent with the mutations of humans and animals.Ģ081 - Sierra Army Depot VI's AI, Skynet, becomes self-aware. ( Fallout 3)ĭecember 2079 - The resident of Vault 77 leaves into the wasteland. ( Fallout 76)įebruVault 77's social experiment begins with its sole resident opening the crate of puppets. NovemAmbassadors from Vault 94 leave the vault to find and help survivors. ( Fallout 3)ĪpVault 111 is allowed to be opened, but the overseer refuses to open it, causing a mutiny. JanuLittle Lamplight, the city of children is founded. ( Fallout 3)Ģ078 - The residents of Vault 87 are transformed into super mutants as part of an experiment by Vault-Tec. NovemPsychoactive drugs are released to the residents of Vault 106. November 2077 - The Brotherhood of Steel is founded. The Sole Survivor of Fallout 4 and their family escape to Vault 111 before the bombs go off. Most of the planet is razed to the ground from the nuclear weapons uses. OctoThe Great War begins and ends, lasting only 2 hours.

Fallout new vegas tunnel snakes